利安达国际网络集合世界各地的独立专业事务所,协同合作为私人及跨国企业提供鉴证、税务、咨询及商业咨询服务。这些事务所为利安达国际网络的成员所,成员所透过加盟在香港注册的利安达国际网络有限公司相互连接。利安达国际网络有限公司为利安达国际之海外管理总部, 亦为中国注册的利安达国际投资(北京)有限公司之全资子公司。
利安达国际网络,由利安达国际网络有限公司按照利安达投资(北京)有限公司支持的策略及指导方针负责管理及协调。利安达国际网络有限公司的主要工作包括发掘商机及制定网络的发展战略、加强网络内的产品、技能及知识、推广利安达品牌,及制定和监督成员机构的质量标准。利安达国际网络有限公司以及利安达国际投资(北京) 有限公司并不参与向客户提供服务。
每家成员所在其所在的特定地区提供服务并遵守当地的法律及专业法规。利安达国际网络有限公司、利安达国际投资(北京) 有限公司以及成员所均是独立及独特的法律实体,为当地拥有、运作和管理,并负责其自身的责任。每一家成员所的结构各自根据其所在国家法律法规而制定,而且不属于任何单一国际或法律合伙单位。利安达国际网络有限公司、利安达国际投资(北京) 有限公司以及成员所仅对其自身行为及遗漏承担责任,而不对其他任何公司的服务或活动承担任何责任。除了以上提及的法律形式,每一家成员所均获授权在其事务所名称前冠以「利安达」的称号,并应致力遵守执行由利安达国际拟定的标准、质量监控以及任务。
利安达国际会委任独立的专业事务所作为联系所,在特定地区提供现有成员所未能提供之指定服务。联系所并不是利安达国际网络的成员所,因此不拥有与成员所同样的责任与权利。联系所不能在公司名称或是其提供的专业服务冠以「利安达」的称号或品牌 。每家联系所在其所在区域根据当地的行业法规及法律提供服务,并需为其事务所承担一切法律责任。
Member Firm
Each member firm provides services in a particular geographic area and is subject to the professional regulations and laws of the particular country or territory in which it operates. RINL, RIIB and each member firm are separate and independent legal entities, which are locally owned, operated and managed, and responsible for its own liabilities. Each member firm is structured differently in accordance with domestic laws and regulations and is not member of one international or legal partnership. RINL, RIIB and each member firm are liable only for their own acts or omissions and are not responsible for the services or activities of any other. Despite the legal form as mentioned, each member firm is allowed to use the Reanda acronym and is committed to the standards, quality inspection and missions brought by Reanda International.
Correspondent firm
Reanda International also appoints independent professional firms as correspondent firms to perform designated services in particular geographic areas where such services are, at presence, not available from the existing member firms. Correspondent firms are not member firms of the Reanda International Network and do not have the same responsibilities or rights as a member firm. Correspondent firms are not allowed to apply the Reanda acronym for their firm names. They are allowed to identify themselves as a “Correspondent firm of Reanda International”. Each correspondent firm provides services in a particular geographic area on its own liabilities and is subject to the professional regulations and laws of the particular country or territory in which it operates.
MoU-entered firm
Reanda International enters Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with invited independent professional firms that are interested in joining Reanda International as members. MoU-entered firms may participate in most of the network events during the period prior to the acceptance of their formal membership application. MoU-entered firms are not member firms nor correspondent firms of the Reanda International Network and do not have the same responsibilities or rights as a member firm nor a correspondent firm. MoU entered firms are not allowed to apply the Reanda acronym for their firm names nor the professional services they provided.