On 20 - 22 September 2023, Mr. Franklin Lau, CEO of Reanda International was honored to be invited to speak at the 6th Financing Investment and Trade in Africa (FITA 2023) international conference organized by Tunisia Africa Business Council in Tunis, Tunisia. Accompanied by Ms. Nadia Yaich, Managing Director of the Tunisia firm, Mr. Lau further promoted the brand of Reanda in Tunisia and French and Arabia-speaking countries in Africa.
Tunisia is situated in the northmost country in Africa, a connecting point in Africa that connects European and Arabic countries. It is a cultural center for the Arabic world and a leading French-speaking country in Africa. With the mixture of cultures, Tunisians are able to speak Arabic, French, and English, which paves the way for communication among different regions and internationally. Therefore, Tunisia has become a new strategic point in the Middle East and Africa region for Reanda International. The Tunisia firm, BFC Academy, is the first representative of the French-speaking countries in Africa to join Reanda International. Through the firm, Reanda International can further reach other French-speaking countries in Africa, such as Congo, Guinea, Gabon, Mauritania, and Morocco.
On 20 – 21 September, CEO Mr. Lau received an invitation from Ms. Yaich, Managing Director of the Tunisia firm and one of the key executives of Tunisia Africa Business Council, to be one of the speakers at the FITA 2023 international conference. FITA 2023 is a significant conference, bringing regional institutions and economic operators to meet international CEOs, investors, funds, and financial professionals to discuss how to facilitate and finance investment and trade in Africa to revive the African economy and development.
Mr. Lau joined a dynamic panel discussion with experts from the government and business sectors on how digital transformation accelerates economic growth in Africa. He shared insights from the perspective of China-Africa collaboration, the success of “China’s Digital Silk Road” and how Reanda connects enterprises from two sides. The session was moderated by Ms. Yaich and other invited panelists included Mr. Nizar Ben Neji, the Minister of Information Technology of Tunisia, Mr. Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Digital Economy and the spokesperson for the Government of Guinea, Mr. Dominique Migisha, the Director General of the Agency for Digital Development in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Mr. Aymen Znaidi, General Director of AddInn, a leading IT service company in Tunisia.
At the conference, Mr. Lau was also interviewed by CGTN, sharing his views on the China-Africa economic collaboration. Meanwhile, Ms. Yaich also represented Reanda International to join a roundtable discussion with the European Bank of Reconstruction to share her experience in promoting the EU- Tunisia - Africa triangulation.
On the morning of 21 September, CEO Mr. Lau accepted an online interview with The Voice of Africa, a media platform that connects Africans across the globe. He talked about Reanda International's vision and development strategies and shared our edge in connecting enterprises between China and Africa through the Belt and Road Initiative. He also mentioned that he would work closely with the Tunisia firm which plays a pivotal role in seizing business opportunities in the African continent.
On the afternoon of 22 September, CEO Mr. Lau, paid a courtesy visit to the office of the Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in Tunisia to meet with the Minister-counsellor Mr. Liang Gang, accompanied by Ms. Nadia Yaich and Mr. Amen, the managing director and the business consultancy department manager of the Tunisia firm. During the meeting, Mr. Lau shared the recent development of the network. The Minister-counsellor Mr. Liang encouraged Reanda International to actively facilitate the mutual collaboration of enterprises and accounting firms between China, Tunisia, and countries in Africa. Reanda International is deeply grateful for the valuable support and guidance shared by the Minister-counsellor Mr. Liang Gang.
On behalf of Reanda International, CEO Mr. Lau expressed his profound appreciation for the invitation to FITA 2023 by Ms. Yaich, Managing Director of the Tunisia firm. It was a great opportunity to promote the brand of Reanda in Tunisia and Africa. Ms. Yaich is a chartered accountant with more than 10 years of experience in the field of consulting. She has led sizeable consulting projects for governments and presidencies of republics in Africa. She was voted the most entrepreneur woman in Africa by the Tunisia Africa Business Council (TABC) in 2020 and among the 365 most influential women in the Arab world by women in Business Arabia. With Ms. Yaich’s experience and recognition in Tunisia and Africa, Reanda International is optimistic about further expanding our presence and supporting Chinese enterprises to develop business in Africa under the “Belt and Road Initiative.

CEO Mr. Franklin Lau was invited to be a panel discussion speaker at the Financing Investment and Trade in Africa (FITA) international conference in Tunis, Tunisia. The session was moderated by Ms. Yaich and other invited panelists included Mr. Nizar Ben Neji, the Minister of Information Technology of Tunisia, Mr. Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Digital Economy and the spokesperson for the Government of Guinea, Mr. Dominique Migisha, the Director General of the Agency for Digital Development in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Mr. Aymen Znaidi, General Director of AddInn, a leading IT service company in Tunisia.

Ms. Nadia Yaich, the managing director of the Tunisia firm joined a roundtable discussion with the European Bank of Reconstruction at the FITA 2023 conference.

During the FITA 2023 conference, Mr. Lau was interviewed by CGTN.
Mr. Franklin Lau presented the souvenir to Mr. Liang Gang, the Minister-counsellor of the Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in Tunisia.

The Reanda delegation met with the former minister of Mauritania.

CEO Mr. Franklin Lau accepted an online interview with The Voice of Africa, an African media platform.