Delegation organised by Russian Collegium of Auditors and Institute of Financial Accountants Russia visited Reanda International

A delegation organised by the Russian Collegium of Auditors (RCA) and the Institute of Financial Accountants Russia(IFAR), paid a courtesy visit to the Hong Kong administration office of Reanda International on 28 October, 2011.

The delegation consists of the Chairman of Committee of SMEs of RCA and Vice-President of IFAR, Mr. Igor Zhuravlev along with the President of RCA, Mr. Alexander Ruf and directors of Russian auditing companies and conglomerates. They were accompanied by Mr. Tanny Yu, director of Reanda Hong Kong, who is also the Chairman of Institute of Financial Accountants in Hong Kong (IFAHK).

A presentation was made to the delegates to introduce Reanda Hong Kong and the Reanda Network. Mr. Igor Zhuravlev shared with us about the accounting industry in Russia and their view to strengthen mutual collaboration of the small and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) and accounting firms between Russia and Hong Kong. After the presentation the delegates were shown around the Hong Kong office.

On 29 October, the IFA Russia-Hong Kong SME Business Opportunities in Hong Kong & China Conference was held by IFAHK for the delegates. Mr. Franklin Lau, director of Reanda Hong Kong spoke on the topic of "Overview of IPO in Hong Kong".

The delegates during this 5-day trip also visited the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The purpose of this visits is to get acquaintance with the capital market and business environment in Hong Kong and China and to explore more communication channels for the Russian SMEs with the local professional intermediaries.

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The delegation took a group photo with the representatives of Reanda International and the partners of our Hong Kong member, Reanda Lau & Au Yeung

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Mr. Franklin Lau (right) presented a souvenir abacus to Mr. Igor Zhuravlev, the vice-president of IFA Russia

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Mr. Franklin Lau spoke at the IFA Russia-Hong Kong SME Business Opportunities in Hong Kong & China Conference

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Mr. Igor Zhuravlev (left), the vice-president of IFA Russia, presented a souvenir to Mr. Franklin Lau

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Mr. Franklin Lau (left) presented a souvenir abacus to Mr. Alexander Ruf, the chairman of the Russian Collegium of Auditors

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