On 1 February 2018, Mr. Huang Jinhui, Chairman of Reanda International visited Singapore and paid courtesy visits to meet with government officials as well as Chinese enterprise in Singapore together with the partners of Reanda Singapore.
In the afternoon, led by Chairman Mr. Huang Jinhui, Ms. Michelle Zhao, head of the International Business Coordination Department of Reanda International Beijing head office; Mr. Gilbert Tiong and Ms. Tammy Zhang, partner and manager of Reanda Singapore respectively, visited China Construction (South Pacific) Development Co Pte Ltd (CCDC) and met with Mr. Cui Guangyan, senior financial executive of CCDC. During the meeting, Mr. Huang introduced the latest development of Reanda International and Reanda Singapore. In the meantime, Mr. Cui presented an overview of the development of CCDC and professional backup needed. Two parties discussed and exchanged insights on ways to explore the potential collaboration.
After that it was followed by a courtesy visit to the Economic and Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Singapore to meet with Minister Counselor, Ms. Zhong Manying, along with First Secretaries, Ms. Feng Yan and Ms. Lei Guoming. Taking this opportunity, Mr. Huang provided a brief overview of the development history of the network and recommended the joining of China Enterprises Association (Singapore) by our Singapore member. Mr. Huang also expressed the aspirations of contributing to China’s Belt and Road initiative by rendering professional services to Chinese enterprises in Singapore. Ms. Zhong was impressed by the efforts made by Reanda as the first China-branded accounting network to go international and welcome the joining into the China Enterprises Association (Singapore) by Reanda Singapore.
The day ended by working meeting with Ms. Irene Chan and Mr. Gilbert Tiong, partners of Reanda Singapore at their office. Mr. Huang encouraged Reanda Singapore’s strengthening ties with the CCDC and the Embassy and joining as member of China Enterprises Association (Singapore).

Reanda delegation took picture with Mr. Cui Guangyan, senior financial executive of CCDC; (left to right) Ms. Tammy Zhang, manager of Reanda Singapore, Mr. Gilbert Tiong, partner of Reanda Singapore, Chairman Mr. Huang Jinhui, Mr. Cui Guangyan, senior financial executive of CCDC, Ms. Michelle Zhao, head of the International Business Coordination Department of Reanda International Beijing head office.

A lively discussion between Chairman Mr. Huang and Ms. Zhong Manying, Minister Counselor of the Economic and Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Singapore.

Reanda delegates took picture with Minister Counselor, Ms. Zhong Manying and First Secretaries, Ms. Feng Yan and Ms. Lei Guoming.

Chairman Mr. Huang visited the office of Reanda Singapore.