根据全球领先会计行业出版物《国际会计公报》(International Accounting Bulletin,简称IAB)2022年6月发布的埃及会计师事务所排名调查报告,利安达埃及所在埃及名列第13位,2021年度业务总收入为1,520万埃及镑。

根据全球领先会计行业出版物《国际会计公报》(International Accounting Bulletin,简称IAB)2022年6月发布的埃及会计师事务所排名调查报告,利安达埃及所在埃及名列第13位,2021年度业务总收入为1,520万埃及镑。
Reanda International Network Limited, a Hong Kong limited company wholly owned by Reanda International Investment (Beijing) Company Limited, a PRC limited company, collectively known as Reanda International. Network firms of the Reanda International Network, including both member firms and correspondent firms, are affiliated with Reanda International, each of which is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of Reanda International or any other member firm. Reanda International and each member firm are liable only for their own acts or omissions and are not responsible for the activities or services of any other. Reanda International provides no client services. All rights reserved.