Reanda International is delighted to announce that our total aggregate fee income for the year ending 31 December 2022 reached US$280.7 million, representing an 8% year-on-year growth. According to the 2023 World Survey released by International Accounting Bulletin (IAB) in March 2023, Reanda International is ranked number 25 in the league table. Currently, Reanda International is represented by 53 global presence with more than 5,000 staff, 240 partners and 144 offices.
Against the challenging macro-economic and geopolitical backdrop in the global economy shadowed by the global pandemic in 2022, Reanda International’s performance nevertheless has been resilient. Reanda International saw solid performance across most regions despite difficult global economic conditions, particularly that the Middle East region and the Asia Pacific region grew by 32% and 10% respectively. In 2022, Asia Pacific remained Reanda International’s largest region, bringing in 80 % of fee income, followed by the Europe and the Middle East regions contributing 14% and 4% respectively.
Reanda International’s service line fee shares remain similar to the previous years across the network. Audit and accountancy remains Reanda International’s largest service line, accounting for 52% of the total aggregated fee income while tax, advisory accounted for 18% and 13% of the total aggregated fee income of the network respectively.
In the next term, Reanda International will continue to focus ourselves in developing comprehensive consulting services, so that our network would evolve into a both skill and knowledge-based network to meet with the global clients’ diversified needs in the new era. Under the impact of the global pandemic, climate change and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the network will be more dedicated and conscious to the current areas of green energy, biotechnology and environmental & sustainability, which are becoming increasingly prominent in the next economic cycle globally.