Reanda International appointed regional president of Europe region

Reanda International is pleased to announce the establishment of Europe region of Reanda International and the appointment of Mr. Charilaos Hadjiioannou as the regional president of the region for a term of three years.

According to the Guidelines for Election of Regional President of Reanda International, the regional president shall be appointed for any regions with five or more network firms. Currently there are 8 network firms (member firms and correspondent firms) including Cyprus, Russia, Germany, UK, Malta, Italy, Turkey and Greece in the Europe region. Accordingly, the Europe region is established and the regional president for this region was appointed. The regional president is an honorable position nominated and elected by the members from their respective regions and the confirmation of the appointment is subject to the CEO’s endorsement and approval of the Board for a term of three years renewable.

The appointment of Charilaos was endorsed by the CEO, approved by the board of directors and unanimously agreed by the European members in attendance during the Annual Conference in Shanghai in 2017. With his new role, Charilaos’s key activity would assist the CEO in coordinating the members’ affairs and acting as a facilitator for communication and exchange between member firms in the Europe Region.

Charilaos is a director at Reanda Cyprus, and he has been serving as the director of Reanda International since 2016.

Our vibrant European region has grown significantly in recent years. With the establishment of Europe region and appointment of Regional President, our goal going into 2018 is to continuously work on to strengthen our presence in Europe, as well as in Middle East and Africa while promoting the Reanda brand internationally and providing more invaluable business opportunities for our members.

Presently, there are three regions established including the Asia & Oceania region, the Southeast Asia & South Asia region and the new Europe region.
