Reanda International is ranked number 19 in the world ranking of accounting networks according to the Accountancy Age World Survey 2014. Currently Reanda International is represented by 16 network firms with 70 offices and over two thousands of dedicated professionals internationally, with a global aggregate fee income of USD122 million.
In the second half of 2014, Reanda International shall continue our momentum by exploring potential cooperation with like-minded firms in Europe, Middle East and Africa who look to identity and exploit business development opportunities in both Asia and outside Asia for clients . Meanwhile, the network shall continue to develop valuable tools and resources including but not limited to the development of China Desk services to address the new challenges and opportunities facing Reanda clients. The networking is expected to grow speedily in the near future so as to provide a solid and well coverage of accounting network of professional services to meet our clients' needs.
Please visit the following hyperlink for a full ranking table: