On 19 November 2021, the annual 2021 Reanda International Asia and Oceania regional meeting was held virtually and was well attended by some 20 partners and personnel from Asia and Oceania network firms across 7 countries and jurisdictions as well as the Reanda International Beijing headquarters and Hong Kong administrative office.
The meeting, as hosted by the Asia and Oceania regional president Mr. Mitsuo Kubo, aims to facilitate mutual collaboration and strengthen the exchanges amongst network firms. During the opening speech, Chairman Mr. Huang highlighted the resilience performance of the regional members during the challenging pandemic year, the growing momentum of referral cases in the Asia and Oceania region and Reanda International’s unwavering and continuous support to its network firms. He also introduced the further enhanced structure of Beijing headquarters for providing better services and resources available to Reanda members as well as the latest plan in generating business opportunities to members. The regional president Mr. Kubo continued the meeting by sharing the current situation of Japan under COVID-19 and the future business plan of Reanda Japan.
The meeting was then continued by presentations of latest development of the regional members and the impacts of COVID-19 on their respective countries and jurisdictions, followed by fruitful discussion over potential regional collaboration opportunities as well as members’ suggestions to the network.
The meeting concluded by the closing speech from Mr. Franklin Lau, CEO of Reanda International. He shared about the potential business opportunities in the region, the network’s latest progress of seeking Forum of Firms membership, enhancement on Reanda brand’s digital presence as well as the network’s strategic expansion plan in the 2nd half of 2021.
This virtual meeting was a resounding success while all attending members exchanged valuable insights on network’s future development in order to cater for the buoyant demand of Reanda’s clients, as well as to understand the development of other members and their strategies in overcoming difficulties in this challenging times.