From 22 - 23 May 2023, a delegation led by Mr. Franklin Lau, CEO of Reanda International together with Mr. Kazunori Seki, and Ms. Mo Jianjie, Director and International Business Consultant of Reanda Japan respectively and as escorted by Ms. Pan Lin, Deputy Director of Administration of Reanda International Beijing Headquarters paid courtesy visits to the government officials and business organizations to promote the Reanda brand in Japan.
On 22 May, a working meeting was held between Mr. Lau, Ms. Mo and Mr. Atsushi Okada, director of Reanda Japan to learn the latest initiatives of the firm, to give an overview of the near-term development of the network as well as exploring ways to generate more collaboration between Reanda Japan and other members.
In the afternoon, the Reanda delegation paid a courtesy visit to meet with Mr. Shi Ming, Chief Representative of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) representative office in Japan, the Chinese foreign trade and investment promotion agency. Mr. Lau introduced the latest development of the network and Reanda Japan. Both sides exchanged insights about the latest development of the business activities of Chinese enterprises in Japan.
It was followed by a meeting to meet with Mr. Wang Jiaxun, President of the China Enterprises Association (Japan) (CEAJ). The Reanda delegation learnt that the China Enterprises Association (Japan) has made significant contribution on assisting the Chinese enterprises doing business in Japan as well as leading Chinese enterprises to participate in vast social contribution activities in Japan. CEAJ has been playing a key role in promoting the bilateral friendship between China and Japan for years.
On 23 May, the Reanda delegation paid a courtesy visit to the office of the Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in Japan to meet with the Minister-counsellor Mr. Song Yaoming. During the meeting, Mr. Lau shared the recent development of the network. The Minister-counsellor Mr. Song encouraged network’s active participation in facilitating the mutual collaboration of business enterprises and accounting firms between China, Japan as well as other countries while he also shared many valuable suggestions and guidance to Reanda International and Reanda Japan.
It was then followed by a meeting with Mr. Takamisawa Manabu, Executive Member of the Japan-China Economic Association to share the network’s latest development. Both sides exchanged views on the development of Japan-China economic relations and how it affected enterprises doing business in both countries.
Later that day, the Reanda delegation paid a courtesy visit to meet with Ms. Kiyoko Hashiba, Head of Investment Promotion of the Japan representative office of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office and Invest Hong Kong to learn the latest development of the business activities of Hong Kong and Japanese enterprise as well as the opportunities and challenges encountered by them.

A gracious meeting between Mr. Shi Ming, Chief Representative of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) representative office in Japan (The first one from the right) and the Reanda delegation

The CEO Mr. Franklin Lau presented a souvenir to Mr. Shi Ming, Chief Representative of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) representative office in Japan (The second one from the right)

The Reanda delegation’s meeting with Mr. Wang Jiaxun, President of the China Enterprises Association (Japan) (CEAJ) (The third one from the left)

The Reanda delegation led by Mr. Franklin Lau was honored to meet with Mr. Song Yaoming, the Minister-counsellor of the Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in Japan

The Reanda delegation’s group photo with Mr. Song Yaoming, the Minister-counsellor of the Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in Japan

The Reanda delegation’s meeting with Mr. Takamisawa Manabu, Executive Member of the Japan-China Economic Association

The Reanda delegation paid a courtesy visit to meet with Ms. Kiyoko Hashiba, Head of Investment Promotion of the Japan representative office of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office and Invest Hong Kong