印尼和新加坡的重点是努力增加在该领域的合作出于税收目的的信息交流, 在全国打击逃税和避税的斗争.印尼和新加坡之间的信息交流合作也越来越强,因为这两个国家在税务领域签署了公约的联合行政协助(公约行政互助税务事项/MAC).现在MAC已经成为签约国之间的税收合作的实施标准.到现在为止,MAC已经被69个国家和15个司法管辖区签署全球。
印尼和新加坡的重点是努力增加在该领域的合作出于税收目的的信息交流, 在全国打击逃税和避税的斗争.印尼和新加坡之间的信息交流合作也越来越强,因为这两个国家在税务领域签署了公约的联合行政协助(公约行政互助税务事项/MAC).现在MAC已经成为签约国之间的税收合作的实施标准.到现在为止,MAC已经被69个国家和15个司法管辖区签署全球。
Reanda International Network Limited, a Hong Kong limited company wholly owned by Reanda International Investment (Beijing) Company Limited, a PRC limited company, collectively known as Reanda International. Network firms of the Reanda International Network, including both member firms and correspondent firms, are affiliated with Reanda International, each of which is a separate legal entity and does not act as agent of Reanda International or any other member firm. Reanda International and each member firm are liable only for their own acts or omissions and are not responsible for the activities or services of any other. Reanda International provides no client services. All rights reserved.