The Investigation of Japan National Tax Agency

In October 21, 2010, Japan National Tax Agency made public the results of Investigation regarding evasion of Income Tax and Consumption tax, which conducted between July, 2009 – June, 2010. As for "Overseas Transactions", the results are as follows.

The subject was individuals who conducted overseas transaction. Based on the external remittance report, the information provided on the premise ofTax Treaty and the money payment confirmation, the Tax authority made inspections to persons who make overseas deals and who has assets abroad.

1. Investigation results based on transaction items
Among variety of investigation items, the number of matters of evasion regarding "Real Estate", "Valuable Securities", "Accumulated saving deposit" were 1,264 and amounted  to 35% of the total.

2. Revelation of Tax declaration evasion
Among items of Tax declaration evasion, regarding the "Remuneration of Service Provision"(20,250,000 Yen) is most large, which leads to the next item “The Other transaction"(19,710,000 Yen) and ”Investment Abroad”(15,280,000 Yen). 

3. The total amount of Tax declaration evasion regarding overseas transaction
As a whole items, the average Tax evasion / matter is 16,980,000 
